How Aged Care Services in Brisbane Improve Quality Indicator

Professionals working with the aged care services Brisbane can take care of your daily requirements. Occupational therapists, physical therapists, dietitians and speech pathologists are available for the service. Committed professionals can help to improve the quality of life.

What Are the Aged Care Quality Indicators

The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care has started the National Aged Care Mandatory Indicator Program. It is often indicated as the QI Program. On this occasion, valuable data is collected regarding key areas that can create an impact on the well-being and health of elderly individuals.

Professionals need to give importance to the 11 quality indicators and submit a report regarding the performance within the span of 3 months. These 11 quality indicators include:

  1. Physical Restraint
  2. Pressure Injuries
  3. Major and Fall Injury
  4. Unplanned Weight Loss
  5. Daily Living Activities
  6. Medication Management
  7. Hospitalisation
  8. Incontinence Care
  9. Consumer Experience
  10. Workforce
  11. Quality of Life

How Professionals Can Help Achieve QI Milestones?

Our aged care services in Brisbane try to attain QI milestones. Professionals contribute to the well-being of the aging individuals. On this occasion, professionals need to address cognitive, physical, and nutritional requirements. Professionals may take care of daily activities, fall prevention, pressure injuries, and quality of life. Customised plans ensure that every elderly individual gets a tailored service without much hassle. Professionals guarantee a better health outcome improving the life quality.

Professionals are trained to offer the desired level of service improving the QI score at the same time. Higher standards are maintained to satisfy aging individuals.

What is Included in the Aged Care Services

Diverse methods are utilised by the professionals to attain the QI score. Professionals usually go with the multidisciplinary approach to attain success in the end.

Most of the experienced professionals are aware of the signs to look for to ensure the QI milestones. On the occasion, professionals work on the personal development of the individuals at the same time. A team of professionals create a plan to ensure a positive outcome as far as health is concerned.

By maintaining the standards of aged care services in Brisbane, professionals try to reduce the unwanted health impact as much as possible. Plus, support is offered to enhance the quality of life. Continuous improvement is guaranteed with high-quality services.

Here’s how trained professionals work:

  • Professionals analyse the situation to have an update on the mobility status. In case of fall-related injuries, special attention is given. The nutritional recommendation is made to improve the physical activity. Professionals condition the skeletal muscle and promote optimal muscle mass.
  • Professionals may advise to utilise diverse types of products to eliminate the chance of falls. During this time, aging individuals can use head gears, hip protectors and crash mats to avoid injuries that often happen due to the fall.
  • Professionals often ask to use cushions and mattresses for aging individuals with mobility issues. A balance of protein and micro-nutrients are offered that comes with lots of minerals such as iron and zinc in addition to Vitamin C and E. These nutrients are necessary for the body to maintain muscle strength and avoid injuries.
  • Professionals can help the elderly to continue with daily care activities. In this way, issues encountered with daily activities can be resolved. Plus, improvement in the quality of life can be noticed.
  • Different types of gear can be utilised as an assistive aid to improve mobility issues and quality of life. On occasion, professionals may introduce mobility scooters, shower chairs and other important gear that are available in the market. With arthritic issues, it is even possible to find modified cutlery.

For high-quality aged care services in Brisbane, Prime Care is available 24/7.

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